This is the BibTeX `adaptable' family of style files, version 1.10 as of
April 1992, derived from the `plain' family by Hans-Hermann Bode. It allows
setting of certain style parameters and definition of phrases without
changing the style files, thus a multiple-language support is provided and
the user may adapt the bibliography layout to his or her requirements within
some limits.

Send suggestions and bug reports to HHBODE@DOSUNI1.BITNET.

This directory contains the following files:

./README	this file
./btxabst.doc	master file for creating the bst files
./aplain.bst	adaptable style, `plain' version
./aabbrv.bst	adaptable style, `abbreviated' version
./aunsrt.bst	adaptable style, `unsorted' version
./aalpha.bst	adaptable style, `alphanumeric' version
./anotit.bst	adaptable style, `no titles' version
./aunsnot.bst	adaptable style, `unsorted/no titles' version
./apreambl.doc	preamble file, documentation
./apreambl.tex	preamble file, to be input at the beginning of the bibliography
./jourabbr.bib	journal names, abbreviated version
./jourfull.bib	journal names, full version
./acompat.bib	compatibility definitions for use with standard styles
./abstdok.tex	documentation of the adaptable family (in German)
./abstdok.bbl	bibliography for abstdok
./a4c.sty	definition of length parameters for DIN-A4 paper, LaTeX version
./a4c.tex	definition of length parameters for DIN-A4 paper, WEB version
./docmac.doc	documentation of documentation macros (indeed!)
./docmac.tex	documentation macros

*** Installation -------------------------------------------------------------

To get a working adaptable-styles system you have to copy the following
files into special directories.

-- Copy all *.bst files into a directory where BibTeX looks for style files.
This will usually be a directory in the TEXINPUT(S) path, i.e., in the same
path where TeX looks for its input files.

-- Copy apreambl.tex into a directory where TeX looks for its input files,
see above.

-- Copy all *.bib files into a directory where BibTeX looks for bibliography
databases. This will usually be a directory in the BIBINPUT(S) path.

Optionally, you may copy a4c.* and docmac.tex into a directory in the
TEXINPUT(S) path. These files will be needed when printing the
documentation; they may be useful, however, for other applications as well.

*** Printing the documentation -----------------------------------------------

The main documentation is a LaTeX source in abstdok.tex. Run LaTeX on this
file twice (for resolving cross references) and make sure that apreambl.tex,
abstdok.bbl, and a4c.sty can be loaded. In addition, the file german.sty is
required; it is not included in this distribution, since you should be able
to get it from every good TeX server (at least in Germany). The style file
a4c.sty will set up length parameters so that the document will come out
centered with margins of 2 cm on each side of a DIN-A4 sheet; if this
doesn't fit to your paper format, you may want to edit this file first.
Unfortunately, this documentation is written in German (which is due to the
fact that European people sometimes get nostalgic and switch to their native
language); if you feel the need to translate this into English, don't
hesitate to do so (and send me the file, so I can include it into the next

The definition of the adaptable parameters is discussed in apreambl.doc (in
English, yes). Run this through TeX (not LaTeX, and don't forget the .doc
extension!) and make sure that a4c.tex and docmac.tex can be loaded. The
file a4c.tex corresponds to a4c.sty above, and docmac.tex contains macros
for typesetting a WEB-style documentation. In fact, apreambl.tex is derived
from apreambl.doc by means of Joachim Schrod's MAKEPROG system, which is a
general documentation tool much similar to the WEB system of structured
documentation; docmac.tex is an enhancement of MAKEPROG's macro package
progdoc.tex which makes the documentation layout more ``WEB-like''. If you
want to change some of the adaptable parameters, the best way to do it is to
get MAKEPROG (it should be available from the same source as the adaptable
style files) and write a changefile to apreambl.doc. Then there is a good
chance that you can apply your changes to future versions of this
distribution without major modifications. Moreover, you can use MAKEPROG and
docmac.tex for your own developments, it's worth a try! (In this case you may
want to look at docmac's documentation: just run TeX on docmac.doc and make
sure that docmac.tex is loadable.)

Further documentation is provided in plain-text form in the files
jourabbr.bib, jourfull.bib, and acompat.bib. You may want to edit the first
two of them to add more journal names or other general stuff that should be
defined at the beginning of your bibliographies.

*** Usage hints (VERY brief) -------------------------------------------------

It is assumed that you are familiar with the BibTeX philosophy and the
standard style files, so here is a short description what you have to do in
addition to use the adaptable styles.

Choose one of the styles aplain, aabbrv, aunsrt, aalpha, anotit, or aunsnot
(the first four are the adaptable versions of the corresponding standard
styles, anotit is like aabbrv but omits titles of articles and some other
redundant information, aunsnot is like anotit but doesn't sort the
bibliography) and put a statement like


somewhere into your document.

Make sure that apreambl.tex is input before the \bibliography command is
executed. The easiest way to do so is to include jourfull or jourabbr at the
beginning of your \bibliography list. The file apreambl.tex carries out all
parameter settings and switches between `full' and `abbreviated' as well as
English and German versions of phrases automatically. The version it selects
depends on the bibliography style and on the fact whether german.sty is
loaded or not. The databases jourfull.bib and jourabbr.bib will load
apreambl.tex and, furthermore, will define all strings that are lacking in
the adaptable styles in comparison with the standard styles; hence, with
this files you can use your old databases without changes, and---as
mentioned above---this is the right place to add your own general
definitions. So, a typical \bibliography command should look like


where user1, user2, and user3 are your private bibliography databases.

If you ever feel the need to use one of the standard styles again, your
databases---due to the use of special features of the adaptable styles---may
not be compatible any more. The compatibility can be restored by means of
acompat.bib, which defines all additional strings of the adaptable styles
and should be included at the very beginning of the \bibliography list, e.g.,


Of course, acompat is not required for use with the adaptable styles alone.

*** Correction ---------------------------------------------------------------

In parts of the documentation, the files apreambl.doc and apreambl.tex are
referred to as apreamble.doc and apreamble.tex. The names were shortened to
avoid difficulties with some operating systems with low-length file names.
