This directory contains 4 BibTeX style files for producing author-date
reference-lists.  The styles are loosely based on the recommendations of
British Standard 1629 (1976 edition), Butcher's "Copy-editing" (Cambridge
University Press, 1981) and the Chicago Manual of  Style (1982 edition).

The files are:
authordate1.bst - Author's names are typeset in roman.  Uppercase letters in
                  article, journal and book titles are left as given in the
                  bib file.
authordate2.bst - As authordate1, but with downstyle titles, i.e., titles that
                  are lowercase except for the first letter, any letter
                  following a colon, and letters protected by { and }.
authordate3.bst - As authordate1, but with author's names in small capitals.
authordate4.bst - As authordate3, but with downstyle titles.

These style files must be used in conjunction with certain re-definitions
of thebibliography and \cite, as provided in the LaTeX style-option file
authordate1-4.sty.  For example, your LaTeX input file might contain