This is the BibTeX style (.bst) file for the following journals by The British Ecological Society: Functional Ecology Journal of Animal Ecology Journal of Ecology Journal of Applied Ecology Simply include it in your .tex file with command \bibliography{myreferences} \bibliographystyle{besjournals} where 'myreferences' is actually the file 'myreferences.bib', which should be your bibliographic databank in BibTeX format, of course! Please, be aware that this style was produced independently of the British Ecol. Society, and has no formal approval from the Society. --------------- if you feel like doing a hackers' job: I have included here also the file besjournals.dbj which is the one used originally to generate functional_ecol.bst but should serve for all 4 BES journals. If you spot any mistake in the .bst file, you'd better fixing it in the .dbj file, instead of trying to fix the .bst file. Then, make sure you have custom-bib installed and run: latex besjournals.dbj to produce besjournals.bst, and please, let me know!!! Cheers Og DeSouza <> PS: if you publish a paper using this bst file, please be kind to mention it in the acknowledgments, and send me a pdf of your paper for my records. It may improve the chances to get my next research grant! --------------- changelog 2014-10-21 fixing typos in README file 2014-10-21 eliminating the inclusion of URL’s for each reference 2014-10-22 renaming README.txt to README to comply with CTAN standards