OXFORD STYLE PACKAGE This is the oxford bst style package, version 0.4. It is a bibtex style geared at citations for the humanities. STYLE The oxford style implements the oxford style interpreted through the eye of a swede working in the fields of the history of ideas. The style is based on Harvard.sty and a heavily hacked bst-file generated with custom-bib. It currently only supports \cite[]{} and \cite{} and only in abrevation mode. The form of the bibitem entries is \harvarditem[Jones, STITLE]{Jones, TITLE .... (PUBLISH:ADRESS, YEAR)}{1990}{key} Brian Jones, TITLE ... (PUBLISH:ADRESS, YEAR). The style gives the full reference att the first citation and then an abrevated one. The file suports an additional entry in the bib-file, stitle (short title). It is used in the abrevated citation. The abrevated citation follows these rules: If (lastname == UNIQ) { lastname } elsif (stitle == EXIST) { lastname, stitle } else { lastname, title } oxford.sty also inserts an "ibid." if the current citation is the same as the last one. USAGE \usepackage[default, none]{oxford} . . . \bibliographystyle{oxford_xx} where xx stands for chosen language INSTALL In the distibution there are only two languages directly supported: swedish english You install the oxford package either by putting the files in places you alreday know are supported by latex, eg.: cp oxford.sty /usr/lib/texfm/texfm/tex/latex/base cp oxford_se.bst /usr/lib/texfm/texfm/bibtex/bst/base cp oxford_en.bst /usr/lib/texfm/texfm/bibtex/bst/base Or you shose another location and then has to set som environmental variables, eg.: The place you put oxford.sty have to be exported with TEXINPUTS: export TEXINPUTS=/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/latex/local: The place where you put the bst-files have to be exported with BSTINPUTS: BSTINPUTS=/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/bibtex/bst/oxford: (Don�t forget the trailing colon (:) LANGUAGE The oxford_in.bst has support for any kind of languages. But you have to create a language version of oxford_in.bst yourself. In the directory "lang" there are translations for english, finnish, german, norsk, svenska, esperant, french, italian and spanish. All you have to do is open "oxford_in.bst" and substitute all bbl.CODE and MACRO entries with the right translations (which can be found in the mbs-files) and name the file oxford_LANG.bst BUGS None known of. COPYRIGHT The copyrigt is Peter Antman, 1997, where marked in the files. These parts are distributed under GNU/GPL. All other copyright is hold by the respective authors mentioned in the files. THANKS Thanks to Oren Patashnik for helping me solve the pop$ bug in version 0.3 Send comments and bugreports to: peter antman@abc.se oxford can be found at: ftp.mc.hik.se/pub/users/mia95anp/tex/ http://www.abc.se/~m9339/prog/oxford-0.4.tar.gz