This is Free Software:

  The bib2html package is copyright 1996, David Hull.
  In 2002, due to the lack of visible updates on the web, the program
  was adopted for maintenance, distribution, and further evolution by
  Diomidis Spinellis. Changes made by him include support for XHTML
  1.0 and documentation bug fixes. The first public release of the
  maintenance effort was in 2004 (version 2.1). On March 2004 the program
  was renamed into bib2xhtml to avoid confusion with projects using the
  name bib2html .
  Changes Copyright 2002-2010, Diomidis Spinellis.

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Softwre
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Important news for people who already use bib2html:

  The way that the bibsearch CGI script is called from HTML has changed
  in bib2html-1.25.  Read the comments at the beginning of bibsearch
  for the new calling conventions.


* Update the first line of bib2xhtml and bibsearch to point to the
  location of perl on your local machine.

* Install html-*.bst somewhere that bibtex can find them.  If you have
  installed an earlier version of bib2xhtml, remove html.bst and

* If you plan to use the bibsearch CGI script, edit the configuration
  section at the beginning of it and install it in your http server's
  cgi-bin directory.  The script has comments with instructions on how
  to call it from another HTML page.

* If you want to modify the bst (bibtex style) files, edit
  html-btxbst.doc and then run gen-bst to generate the new versions.
  You probably won't need to, though.

* To support the -r, -c, and -a options, there are now 18 possible
  style files.  Rather than generate and install all of these .bst
  files by default, gen-bst now only generates the ones that are most
  likely to be used.  To create the missing ones (that is, if you plan
  to use the -r and -c options), uncomment the lines at the end of
  gen-bst and re-run it.

GNU emacs:

  For use with bibtex mode (available at,
  I add the following to my ~/.emacs file:

  (setq bibtex-user-optional-fields
  '(("url" "URL link (for bib2xhtml)")
    ("postscript" "PostScript file (for bib2xhtml)")
    ("pdf" "PDF file (for bib2xhtml)"))
    ("dvi" "DVI file (for bib2xhtml))

Thanks to these people, who have contributed to bib2html:

  Peter J Knaggs, Juergen Vollmer, Chris Torrence, Michael Sanders,
  Vispi Bulsara, Nick Cropper, Joe Wells, Luis Mandel, Ricardo E. Gonzalez,
  Daniel Kapitan, Tammy Kolda, Walter M. Lioen, Panos Louridas, Aki Vehtari,
  Martin P. J. Zinser, Eric Vinck, Mark Jelasity, Vasek Smidl, Bruno Salvy,
  and Wilfried Elmenreich.

$Id: README 1.3 2010/02/04 14:31:08 dds Exp $