CMCYR Font package

CMCYR fonts is extension for Computer Modern Knuth's fonts by russian letters
(66 letters, <<, >>, and russian numbersign). These fonts are in MetaFont 
sources and in ATM Compatible Type 1 font format. In this reason using these
fonts is direct way to produce PDF from russian mathematical compuscripts.

These fonts are in KOI-7 encoding. However, there are virtual fonts
that merge CMCYR fonts together with CM fonts according to four 
russian eight-bit encodings:
	xcm...	- CP866 (MS-DOS Alternative)
	wcm...	- CP1251 (Windows Encoding)
	kcm...	- KOI-8
	ycm...	- ISO 8859-5

Originally, these fonts was designed with MetaFont by N. Glonty and A. Samarin.
Later, these fonts was converted by B. Malyshev into ATM compatible
PostScript Type 1 font format.

These fonts are in PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Any comments can be sent to Basil K. Malyshev (