The `ze' fonts (virtual T1 fonts)
version 2.1

by Robert Fuster (rfuster\@
        Departament de Matem\`atica Aplicada
        Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Val\`encia
        46071 Val\`encia (Spain)

        June 24, 1997
        September 17, 1998
        July 17, 2000

    The `zd' fonts by Constantin Kahn (
    are virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts based on (OT1) Computer
    Modern, Times, and Helvetica fonts, intended for simulate `dc'
    fonts. (Waine Sullivan's `dm' fonts are another approach to
    the substitution of `dc' fonts by virtual ones.)

    Because `dc' fonts are now obsolete, I've adapted the Kahn's package to
    `ec' fonts. The resulting virtual fonts are named according to the ec
    fonts names, changing `ec' by `ze' (zerm1000.vf simulates ecrm1000, and
    so on).

    Another virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts are the almost european
    (`am') fonts, by Lars Engebretsen ( The main difference
    between `am' and `ze' fonts is that almost european fonts only use
    Computer Modern fonts to simulate the European Modern and, then,
    more characters are lost.