Index of /ctan/graphics/zigaretten/
Move the package (.sty file) to a latex search directory if
you want to be able to use it from any directory. Ask you
system administrator if you need help.
The distribution contains a documentation, a package file and
and an example file. They don't need further processing, thoug
they can be re-derived from the .ins, .dtx, and .tex files.
* Build the package file
(pdf)latex zigarettenschachtelhuellenzeichnung.ins
* Build the documentation
(pdf)latex zigarettenschachtelhuellenzeichnung.dtx
* Build the example
(pdf)latex example.tex
The package zigarettenschachtelhuellenzeichnung requires the following
standard packages
* ifthen - LaTeX-style booleans;
* calc - dimension calculus;
* pgf - portable graphics;
and LaTeX2e.
The example file uses a few additional packages
* inputenc - to yield UTF8 input
* aeguill - better T1 fonts
* eurosym - euro currency symbol