Generic TeX Bundle : tracklang v1.6.6 

Last Modified      : 2025-03-11

Author             : Nicola Talbot  (


This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
See for the details of that license.

Copyright 2014-2025 Nicola Talbot


The tracklang package is provided for package developers who want a
simple interface to find out which languages the user has requested
through packages such as babel and polyglossia.  *This package
doesn't provide any translations.*  Its purpose is simply to track
which languages have been requested by the user.

LaTeX usage: \usepackage{tracklang}

TeX usage: \input tracklang

LaTeX code is in tracklang.sty. Generic TeX code is in tracklang.tex.

Related article: "Localisation of TeX documents: tracklang."
TUGBoat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3.

See also "Localisation with tracklang.tex