
  The GuITbeamer class provides some commands written purposely
  in order to make the production of lessons of LaTeX easier. The
  class is based on the well known class beamer. 
  Documentation available in German and Italian only.

  German translation of the documentation was provided by
  Christoph Bier [christoph_bier(at)]. Please, refer
  directly to him for advices/comments/requests on his own work.

  Copyright 2006 GuIT - Gruppo Utilizzatori Italiani di TeX

  This work is distributed under the conditions of the Creative
  Commons Public License v2.5, with these License Elements:
    * Attribution
    * Non Commercial
    * Share Alike
  The complete text of the license is available at:
  The Licenser is GuIT, Gruppo Utilizzatori Italiani di TeX, the
  author is Emiliano Vavassori [testina(at)], which also
  mantains this Work.

  The Work consists of subsequent files:

    guitbeamer.cls	Class file for GuITbeamer
    guitbeamer.pdf	Documentation for GuITbeamer class
    guitbeamer-de.pdf	Documentation in German
    guitbeamer.tex	Sources of documentation (Italian only)
    img/		Graphic files directory
    README		(this file)		Italian translated version of this file
