
Biblatex style and datatools to describe manuscripts in the perspective of a critical edition of text.

This work contains:
- The biblatex styles files:
  - manuscripts.bbx
  - manuscripts.dbx
  - french-manuscripts.lbx
  - english-manuscripts.lbx
	- italian-manuscripts.lbx
	- manuscripts-NewBibliographyString.sty
- The documentation folde:
  - biblatex-manuscripts-philology.tex
  - the derivated file: biblatex-manuscripts-philology.pdf
  - example/example.tex
  - example/example.bib
  - the derivated file example/example.pdf
- The packaging tool files:
  - makefile
  - latexmkrc
- This README file

All features can be requested in

# Copyright

Maïeul Rouquette 2014-…
LaTeX Project Public Licence 1.3