commath -- A LaTeX class which provides some commands which help you to format formulas flexibly.

This package is shared under the LaTeX Project Public License

This is version 0.3

See the documentation commath.pdf for a user manual.

Install notes:
  Put all files somewhere where TeX can find them. Also install the
  following packages somewhere where TeX can find them:  
  - amsmath
  - ifthen


version 0.3
  \nd  renamed to \od
  \tnd renamed to \tod
  \dnd renamed to \dod

  New command \md, \tmd, and \dmd for mixed derivatives.
  New command \D for derivatives (e.g. Malliavin derivatives).
  Some minor documentation updates.

version 0.2.1
  Some new commands (\nd for derivatives...), some minor fixes and documentation updates.