Index of /pub/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/delimset/
| | | |
../ | | - | Directory |
delimset.dtx | 2025-Feb-27 17:58:20 | 66.2K | application/octet-stream |
delimset.ins | 2025-Jan-05 08:36:14 | 0.9K | application/x-internet-signup |
delimset.pdf | 2025-Feb-27 17:58:26 | 365.0K | application/pdf |
delimset v2.2
Copyright 2016-2025 Niklas Beisert
delimset is a LaTeX2e package to typeset and declare sets of delimiters
in math mode whose size can be adjusted conveniently.
The package consists of the files
README.txt readme file
delimset.ins installation file
delimset.dtx source file
delimset.sty package file
dlmssamp.tex sample latex file
delimset.pdf manual
The distribution consists of the files
README.txt, delimset.ins and delimset.dtx.
Run "(pdf)latex delimset.dtx" to compile the manual delimset.pdf.
Run "latex delimset.ins" to create the package delimset.sty and the sample dlmssamp.tex.
Copy the file delimset.sty to an appropriate directory of your LaTeX
distribution, e.g. texmf-root/tex/latex/delimset.
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.