# _limap_: A package for typesetting Information Maps The Information MappingĀ® method provides a methodology for structuring and presenting information. It claims to be useful for readers who are more concerned about finding the right information than reading the document as a whole. Thus short, highly structured, and context free pieces of information are used. _limap_ provides a LaTeX style and a LaTeX class. The style contains definitions to typeset maps and blocks according to the Information MappingĀ® method. The class provides all definitions to typeset a whole document. ## Samples A few sample files are provided which contain dummy documents typeset with limap. They are contained in the sub-directory _samples_. You can have a look at the documentation of _limap_ itself to see another example. ## Installation Most probably _limap_ is already included in your TeX distribution. Thus consult the documentation of your TeX distribution first to install or update this package. You can install the package manually. Apply the following steps: - Run LaTeX on `limap.ins` ``` latex limap.ins ``` - Move the files `limap.cls` and `limap.sty` into a directory read by LaTeX. - Run LaTeX and makeindex on `limap.dtx` to produce the documentation ``` latex limap.dtx makeindex -s gind.ist limap makeindex -s gglo.ist -o limap.gls limap.glo latex limap.dtx ``` ## CTAN Download _limap_ can be obtained from the CTAN archives: * https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/gene/limap or via the _limap_ home page * http://www.gerd-neugebauer.de/software/TeX/limap or via the source repository at Sourceforge for the most recent development version * https://sourceforge.net/p/gene-tex-lib/svn/HEAD/tree/limap ## Licenses The sources and derived files of limap are distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c. The samples in the directory _samples_ are in the Public Domian (Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal)) The documentation is distributed under the Creative Commons Attributation-Share Alike 4.0 License (CC BY-SA 4.0). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy it! [Gerd Neugebauer](mailto:gene@gerd-neugebauer.de)