Index of /ctan/macros/latex/contrib/isodate/
Tune the output format of dates.
This package provides ten output formats of the
commands \today, \printdate, \printdateTeX, and \daterange
(partly language dependent):
ISO (yyyy-mm-dd),
numeric (e.g. dd.\,mm.~yyyy),
short (e.g. dd.\,mm.\,yy),
TeX (yyyy/mm/dd),
original (e.g. dd. mmm yyyy),
short original (e.g. dd. mmm yy),
as well as numerical formats with Roman numerals for the month.
The commands \printdate and \printdateTeX print any date.
The date is given as an argument using the actual date format for output:
\printdate{yyyy-mm-dd}, \printdate{}, or \printdate{dd/mm/yyyy},
and \printdateTeX{yyyy/mm/dd}.
The command \daterange prints a date range and leaves out unnecessary
year or month entries.
E.g. 2000-05-03 to 2000-05-08 leads to `2000-05-03 to 08'.
The idea for this package was taken from the akletter class.
Version 2.0 was totally rewritten so that some incompatiblities may occur.
The old version is still available as isodateo.sty (`o' for old).
Copyright 2000--2010 Harald Harders
This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
version 1 of the License, or any later version.
before installing: - be sure that the package substr.sty is installed on your
system. If not download it from
CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/substr/ and install it.
automatic: - run "make".
- copy isodate.sty and *.idf to a place where LaTeX can find them
or run "make install".
- run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution.
by hand: - execute latex on isodate.ins.
- run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution.
You should not compile the documentation by yourself since it
uses a non-standard package (morefloats.sty). If you still want
to compile it by yourself, do the following:
- execute latex on isodate.dtx (2x).
- copy isodate.sty and *.idf to a place LaTeX can find them.
- run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution.
List of known errors:
- The \printdate and \printdateTeX commands are not very good in
checking the argument for correct syntax.
- Isodate and draftcopy do not work together.
To do:
- add other languages
- Format short given years to four digits and calculate reasonable
first and second digits.
Harald Harders
[email protected]