Index of /ctan/macros/latex/contrib/onedown/

NameLast Modified:Size:Type:
../ -  Directory
Examples/2023-Dec-08 13:33:34-  Directory
ODw-Danish.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Dutch.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-English.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.4Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-French.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-German.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Italian.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:337.2Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Norsk.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Spanish.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Swedish.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.4Kapplication/octet-stream
ODw-Turkish.dict2023-Dec-08 13:33:336.3Kapplication/octet-stream
onedown.dtx2023-Dec-08 13:33:34214.2Kapplication/octet-stream
onedown.ins2023-Dec-08 13:33:341.9Kapplication/octet-stream
onedown.pdf2023-Dec-08 13:33:331.0Mapplication/pdf
README2023-Dec-08 13:33:333.7Ktext/plain;charset=utf-8
The OneDown package v1.7 - 2023/12/07
A package to typeset diagrams for the game of bridge

Jacob Wiersma
E-Mail: [email protected]
Copyright 2018-2023 Jacob Wiersma

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Jacob Wiersma.
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

The OneDown package consists of

the files
 - README  (this file)
   onedown.dtx, onedown.ins,
   onedown.sty, onedown.pdf

 - ODw-Danish.dict, ODw-Dutch.dict, ODw-English.dict,
   ODw-French.dict, ODw-German.dict ODw-Italian.dict, ODw-Norsk.dict,  
   ODw-Spanish.dict, ODw-Swedish.dict, ODw-Turkish.dict

the directory examples with the files  
 - onedown-examples.pdf, onedown-ref.pdf
   and 21 *.tex files
If onedown.sty is missing or you got a newer onedown.dtx/onedown.ins:
1)  Run LaTeX on onedown.ins to create a new onedown.sty
2)  Copy onedown.sty and the .dict files in your latex path

Available in onedown.pdf. This file may be created from onedown.dtx by
running: pdflatex --shell-escape onedown.dtx

In order to get the labels, indexes etc. you must run:
pdflatex --shell-escape onedown.dtx 
makeindex -s onedown.idx 
makeindex -s -o onedown.gls onedown.glo 
pdflatex --shell-escape onedown.dtx 
pdflatex --shell-escape onedown.dtx

If you want a printable version without colors (for a monochrome printer),
your last command should be:

pdflatex --shell-escape '\AtBeginDocument{\NoColortrue}\input{onedown.dtx}'

The option --shell-escape is necessary to build the list of user commands
that are written in a separate file. Without this option this list will not
be generated. Use this option at your own risk.

- Examples/onedown-examples.pdf
- Examples/onedown-ref.pdf
These are in english. To get PDFs which shows the (output of) onedown commands
in your language run
	pdflatex  '\AtBeginDocument{\def\RefLang{french}}\input{onedown-ref.tex}'
  pdflatex '\AtBeginDocument{\def\ExLang{norsk}}\input{onedown-examples.tex}'

This works for all supported languages
This packages provides macros to typeset bridge diagrams, including hands
(stand alone or around a compass), bidding tables (stand alone or in
connection with hands/compass), trick tables and expert quizes.
Allthough the package uses other packages, they are in every recent LaTeX
distribution and will be loaded automatically. In other words: you don't
need to install other packages.
If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
feel free to contact me.
This bundle is provided 'as is' without any warranty.

Jacob Wiersma
panini/0.1.1 ap-northeast-1 934e3ac97-00e2-aa12-6fe3-b2b2644177b9