The files in the archive paper??.zip include the following
supported macros and files for LaTeX2e:

        paper.dtx      latex-style files paper and journal 
                       in doc option format
        paper.pdf      documentation in pdf format 
        install        driver for installing the package
        local.tex      input to the local latex-guide "`local.tex"'
        testp.tex      example input text for paper
        testj.tex      example input text for journal
        journal1.tex   example input text for journal
        journal2.tex   example input text for journal
        README         this file

Run `latex install' to generate the class files paper.cls and 
journal.cls (as well as paper.sty and journal.sty, for compatibility). 
This needs the `docstrip' utility. Then run `latex paper.drv' to generate 
the documentation.

Written by Wenzel Matiaske. See paper.dtx for licensing information.

Updates are available from CTAN. This package lives at:
and at similar locations on CTAN mirrors.