As said in its mission statement at, ``Philosophers' Imprint is a
refereed series of original papers in philosophy, edited by philosophy
faculty at the University of Michigan, with the advice of an
international Board of Editors, and published on the World Wide Web by
the University of Michigan Digital Library. The mission of the Imprint
is to promote a future in which funds currently spent on journal
subscriptions are redirected to the dissemination of scholarship for
free, via the Internet.''  The journal used to accept manuscripts in
Rich Text Format only.  However, for many authors, especially from the
field of logic, TeX seems to be a better choice.  I was commissioned
to write a LaTeX class for this journal.

The aim of the class is to help authors to typeset their own
articles in the ``Web-ready'' format.  We do not assume the authors
have any commercial fonts installed on their machines.  The class
uses only freely available and freely distributed fonts.  

Changes in version 1.5

  - Footnote typesetting changes

Changes in version 1.4

  - Typesetting improvements.

Changes in version 1.3

  - Added copyright licensing information

Changes in version 1.2

  - Added trailing slash to the title page URL

Changes in version 1.1

  - New formatting of journal URL
  - Better handling of footnotes
  - Use for microtype if exists