Index of /ctan/macros/latex/contrib/siggraph/

NameLast Modified:Size:Type:
../ -  Directory
README1996-Jan-17 00:00:002.6Ktext/plain;charset=utf-8
siggraph.dtx1996-Jan-17 00:00:0043.3Kapplication/octet-stream
siggraph.ins1995-Apr-18 00:00:000.1Kapplication/octet-stream
SIGGRAPH class, version 1.1.1, January 17, 1996
Written by Daniel Kartch
           Program of Computer Graphics
           Cornell University
           [email protected]

The latest version of these files can be found at

This distribution provides a document class for formatting papers
according to the specifications for submission to the annual
ACM Siggraph conference.  It contains three files:

README - this file
siggraph.dtx - documented source code
siggraph.ins - installation driver

To install it, type
  latex siggraph.ins
Then place the resulting siggraph.cls file somewhere where TeX can find it.

To generate the user's guide, type
  latex siggraph.dtx
  makeindex -s -o siggraph.gls siggraph.glo
   (If you don't have the makeindex program, you may skip this step.
    The user's guide will be produced without the Change History.)
  latex siggraph.dtx

This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
and to promote compatibility of documents created at different sites,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Please see the siggraph.dtx file for copyright and distribution information.



v1.1.1		Changed copyright space to 1.5 inches.

v1.1.0		Added \keywords and \estpages commands.
		Disabled \passport command.
		Changed \acmcategory/\acmformat commands to \category/\format.

v1.0.0		Added preprint option.
		Changed \acmpassport command to \passport.

v0.9.0		Added \teaser command to allow pictures placed between the
		title block and the start of the text.
		Added \titlespace and \teaserspace to control spacing
		between title block, teaser, and text.

v0.8.3		Added \sectionfont command.
		Added singlespace and doublespace options
		Lots of internal changes in implementation

v0.8.1		Made copyright space 1 inch

v0.8.0		I really hated having to use the \acmopening command to
		instead of \maketitle and the abstract environment in order
		to get the abstract to appear on both the cover page and
		in the paper.  I finally figured out how to modify the
		abstract environment to store its contents for use on
		the cover page, so the \acmopening command has now
		been eliminated.

v0.7.0		Added `widereview' option for one-column, double-spaced,
		  12-point review papers

v0.6.3		Fixed one-column mode
		Put page numbers back in for review papers

v0.6.2		Fixed missing affiliation in title block

v0.6.1		Made titles bold
		Minor corrections in user's guide

panini/0.1.1 ap-northeast-1 934e3ac97-00e2-aa12-6fe3-b2b2644177b9