tablists 0.0e (beta)
Tabulated list of short items (exersizes in textbooks).

      Package  offers environments  and commands  for one-level  and two-level
      lists of short items (exersizes in textbooks).   The environments follow
      support of optional arguments of item numbering as enumerate or paralist

Documentation: tablists.pdf, tablist-rus.pdf.

Installation hints:
The tablists.dtx is self-installation file.
Run LaTeX (pdfLaTeX) with this file, you get: 
  tablists.dvi (or .pdf) file -- documentation,
  tablists.sty file -- the package file,   
  and other LaTeX files.

Copy tablists.sty file in the folder (directory) with other packages:
(the way to LaTeX package looks like
 %texmf folder%/tex/latex/tablists/tablists.sty)
Then you need to refresh your databases -- see documentation
of your local TeX distribution (MikTeX, TeXlive etc.)

Also to get help for installation please visit: