% IUL Title Package
% Author: Gerd Sebastiani
% URL: www.forum.fset.de
% Usage: \usepackage{udotitle}
% Required packages:
%  - titlepage
%  - fancyhdr
%  - graphics
% Modifies titlepage to imitate UDO-Cover with IUL-Logo.
% Load in addition to titlepage.
% Required Input: 
%  Type of your thesis (Assigment, Master's, Ph.D. ... ) by \thesistype{yourtype}
%  Title of your thesis by \title{yourtitle}
%   CAUTION: Very long titles (4 lines) may result in a pagebreak. 
%    Either use a shorter title or decrease the fontsize
%  Author of the thesis by \author{yourname}
%  Immatriculation number by \matno{yourno}
%  Date of submission by \date{\today}
%  Names of Supervisors by \tutor{1st Supervisor}{2nd Supervisor}
%	 See comments in the stylesheet to adjust the template to your needs