This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See <> for the details of that license. ### v0.41 (2013-05-25) Fixes: * Fixed compatibility issue with LuaTeX 0.70.2 that caused text output file written to be emtpy. ### v0.4 (2013-05-23) New features: * In addition to lists of bad and good spellings, words can be checked against user-defined match rules to determine highlighting status. Changes: * Removed means to configure EOL character of text output file. Standard Lua EOL character is always used, which is platform dependent. * Improved compatibility with recent LuaTeX versions (v0.74 and newer). * File `<jobname>.spell.xml` is loaded before file `<jobname>.spell.bad` (if both files exist). Fixes: * Bad words with surrounding punctuation haven't been highlighted. Determining whether a word needs to be highlighted is now done by checking against the lists of bad and good spellings words as they appear in the document with possible punctuation as well as with all surrounding punctuation stripped ([GitHub issue 8][ghi#8]). * Macro `\spellingoutputlinelength` was broken. * Raising an error when a file cannot be opened for reading causes problems when compiling a document for the first time. Now, only a warning is written to the console and log file in that case. [ghi#8]: ### v0.3 (2013-02-12) New: * [LanguageTool][lt] support: LanguageTool error reports in the XML format can be parsed for spelling errors (with the help of the [LuaXML][luaxml] package). LanguageTool is a cross-platform style and grammar checker. [lt]: [luaxml]: Changes: * Default file names used by the package have been changed: <jobname>.spb => <jobname>.spell.bad <jobname>.spg => <jobname>.spell.good <jobname>.txt => <jobname>.spell.txt ### v0.2 (2012-12-04) Fixes: * File `spelling.lua` could not be found by LaTeX style file ([GitHub issue 14][ghi#14]). [ghi#14]: ### v0.1 (2012-11-30) First upload to CTAN. <!-- %%% Local Variables: %%% coding: utf-8 %%% mode: markdown %%% End: -->