HARVARD ------- The HARVARD package includes the 6 files of Peter Williams' <peterw@archsci.arch.su.OZ.AU> Harvard family of bibliographic styles. There are two primary forms of citation in the Harvard style, dependent upon whether the reference is used as a noun or parenthetically. To facilitate using a citation as a noun a new command \citeasnoun has been created which has the same syntax as the \cite command except that multiple citations are not permitted. Additionally, where there are more than two authors, all authors are listed in the first citation and in subsequent citations just the first author's name followed by `et al.' is used. Where appropriate, citations are abbreviated automatically after the first reference when bibliographies are produced by BibTeX. Provision is also made for this feature to be accessed during manual coding. There are three bibliography styles currently available within the Harvard family, AGSM (which is based on "Style Manual for authors editors and printers of Australian government publications"), DCU (which is based upon the conventions in use in the Design Computing Unit, Department of Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney), and KLUWER (which aspires to conform to the requirements of Kluwer Academic Publishers). They are invoked by the \bibliographystyle within LaTeX and effect the layout of the entries in the bibliography. You may retrive the entire package of six files by including the command: SENDME HARVARD in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (FILESERV@SHSU.edu). If, for some reason, you should only need one file, say, HARVARD.DCU_STY, include the command: SENDME HARVARD.DCU_STY in your request to FILESERV. These files are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from Niord.SHSU.edu ( in the directory [.HARVARD]. Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes) File Blocks Save file as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARVARD.AGSM_BST 46 AGSM.BST HARVARD.DCU_BST 46 DCU.BST HARVARD.HARVARD_BIB 2 HARVARD.BIB HARVARD.HARVARD_STY 6 HARVARD.STY HARVARD.HARVARD_TEX 13 HARVARD.TEX HARVARD.KLUWER_BST 46 KLUWER.BST Approximate total blocks in full HARVARD package = 159