Technische Universit�t Darmstadt
 FB Informatik
 FG Systemprogrammierung
This is the homepage of PPower4
(P^4, Pdf Presentation Post Processor)
PPower4 is used to post process presentations in PDF format which were prepared using (La)TeX to add dynamic effects. The PDF files can be created with pdf(la)tex, v(la)tex or with standard LaTeX and then converted to PDF with dvipdfm. It is recommended to use the widely available Acrobat Reader from Adobe to view the results, because other viewers do not implement some of the special features. Given this you have to keep in mind, that PPower4 can only provide those effects, which are implemented in the reader.

The post processing software is written in Java and it is free (refer to the GNU general public license). It has been run successfully with Java 1.2.x and better on different flavours of Unix, Win32 and the Mac. The older version which had limited features and could also be used with kaffe is no longer supported.

Use the navigation area on the left to find further information on PPower4 and the download area.

There is also a mailing list concerning applications and problems of PPower4 to which you can subscribe. Just send the text "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the body of the message. The messages of this list are archived on
Note: To send messages to the list it is necessary that you subscribe to it first.

You may want to check the list of frequently asked questions before sending a message to the mailing list.

Disclaimer: These pages contain also links to other sites which are beyond our control. We refuse to take any responsibility for the possibly illegal contents of these sites, because they may have been altered without notice.

Hinweis: Diese Seiten enhalten auch Links (Verweise) auf andere Seiten, auf deren Inhalte wir keinerlei Einflu� haben. Wir distanzieren uns daher ausdr�cklich von etwaigen rechtswidrigen Inhalten, die nach Linksetzung unsererseits auf den fremden Seiten eingef�gt wurden oder von dort aus weitergehend erreichbar sind.
