This is the README for texlive-dummy-el7, version 2014-10-16. The texlive packages available for RHEL-7 (and derived distributions such as CentOS-7) are relatively old (2012) and seriously incomplete. Although it is possible to remove the native texlive packages and install a more recent complete TeXLive distribution, any attempt to install packages that depend on texlive resources (such as a2ps, latex2html, lyx, etc.) will normally trigger the re-installation of the obsolete native packages. This is inefficient and the redundant packages can interfere with the TeXLive resources. This package contains a "dummy" rpm which is intended to satisfy any dependencies on texlive resources, allowing packages like a2ps, latex2html, lyx, etc. to be installed without using --nodeps and without triggering re-installation of texlive rpms. All native texlive packages will be removed when the texlive-dummy package is installed. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any necessary resources normally provided by native packages have in fact been installed. A recent TeXLive distribution should suffice. If necessary, packages can be installed directly from CTAN into a local or personal texmf tree. The source rpm is included in case the user needs to add/remove lines to/from the spec file. Please send the maintainer a note about this so this package can be updated. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3. Bob Tennent rdt at