Project:                   Yacco2 --- Multi-threaded lr(1) Compiler/compiler system
Distributed under license: Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
Distribution Date:         16 Feb. 2015
Distribution version:      1.1
Comments:                  Currently for the Unix flavoured Platforms
Author:                    Dave Bone
Support email:   

Contributors list:
  Dave Bone

The distribution contains the programs: compiler/compiler O2 and its linker O2linker, along
with its runtime library yacco2. There are build scripts for platforms: Apple, GNU, Solaris.
Various documents, grammars, reference manual, quality assurance suites, and generated 
c++ source code are included.
These items are elaborated upon in the READMEv1.0.pdf document. 

1) License.
Yacco2's distributed source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. 
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at

As best as I could, the ``Literate programming'' w type files contain a reference to this license along with
 their generated documents. 
The c++ source files generated from the w files

 ``do not and will not have any comments referencing this license but are also subject to its terms''.
The ctangle program generating the c++ code does not emit programmer c type comments.
It emits ``#line'' macro references to the  w file and only c comments to its gened document's section number.
Any discovered license omissions required to be referenced within Yacco2's Project files
are still covered by this license and will be corrected in future distributions. 

2) Yacco2 install Instructions.
Unzip the file.
Please read READMEv1.1.pdf document as this is your oracle to installing Yacco2.
It also has other pertinent comments on documentation, open source tools used, and ``how to'' directives.

There are binaries prebuilt for the Apple Maverick platform: o2, o2linker, and API yacco2 library.

You will find instructions/Bash scripts for other Unix platforms: GNU and Solaris.

3) V1.1 Corrections: Minor corrections
a) Regenerating Yacco2 c++ code emitted improper license comments that produced compile errors 
b) Renamed diagrams+etc folder to diagrams